The Washington County Zoning Committee held another meeting Monday night and the topic of the On Target Firearms Academy gun range was addressed. It is used for concealed carry firearm training, but neighbors are concerned about their safety from stray gunfire and have asked the County Board for assistance. Washington County Zoning Administrator Rick Greten tells WNSV that they tried to get the National Rifle Association to send someone out to inspect the range and make recommendations if needed. They never got a response back, so they contacted the Illinois Rifle Association and a representative is to check the range out next Tuesday. Greten said the committee is expected to be there for the inspection. He also said that Washington County State’s Attorney Heath Hooks has listened to the regular County Board meeting from February as to what steps the Board could or could not take about amending a resolution they passed in regards to restricting the gun range or owner Alan Wiggers. Greten said there is training scheduled for this weekend and the neighbors are still concerned. He adds that Wiggers is trying to accommodate his neighbors and has postponed the lessons this weekend. Even though the inspection will be done before the regular March meeting on Tuesday, action will not be able to take place until it is put on the agenda for the April meeting.