The Washington County FSA Office released their monthly newsletter. They ask producers to please bring non-perishable food items to the office when coming to complete any 2014 crop reports. All donations will be delivered to the Irvington Food Bank. Also, it is election time and ballots were mailed to all eligible voters the beginning of this week. Completed and signed ballots must be returned to the county office by close of business December 2, 2013. This year’s election will cover L.A.A. 3, which consists of Covington, Hoyleton, Irvington, Okawville and Venedy Townships. Another item to remember is about failed acreage, which is acreage that was timely planted with the intent to harvest, but because of disaster-related conditions, the crop failed before it could be brought to harvest. A loss form must be provided within 15 calendar days after the disaster occurrence or date damage to the specific crop acreage is apparent to the producer. A producer must be able to prove to the C.O.C.’s satisfaction that the crop was planted with the intent to harvest using farming practices consistent for the crop and area, that the acreage failed because of disaster-related conditions and acreage reports for failed crops shall be filed before the disposition of the crop. For more information stop by the FSA Office at 424 E. Holzhauer Drive in Nashville or call 618-327-8862, extension 2.