The Nashville High School Board of Education met last night.  They got a report from Principal Brian Pasero on the recent parent – teacher meetings.  They sent out 456 letters asking for parents to meet with one of their child’s teachers, which was more then they sent out last year.  They scheduled approximately 279, which was slightly less than last year.  There were also 11 no shows during the actual meetings.  The results from the surveys completed revealed that almost every response was good, while actual comments were positive as well.  There will be another round of parent – teacher meetings in the Spring semester.  The Board approved of the Certificate of the Tax Levy for 2015, payable in 2016, at 4.82 percent more than last year.  Superintendent Ernie Fowler says he did not change anything from last month’s meeting.  Because it was not over 5 percent, there was no Truth in Taxation hearing needed.  The January Board meeting was moved from Martin Luther King Junior Day on January 18th to Monday, January 25th.  The Board approved of an out-of-state field trip to the Holocaust Museum for the English IV Honors class.  Fowler reported that he was approached by members of the Washington County Relay For Life about having the event on the track next year.  The event was held at the Nashville track years ago, but they got a new all-weather track, and people were bringing motor homes, campers, vehicles and driving on the track, so it was moved to other locations, including Memorial Park and recently at Nashville Grade School.  The Board felt that it would be okay, with certain stipulations, such as only allowing strollers and wheelchairs on the track.  Athletic Director Wayne Harre will talk to the track and field coaches on what their opinions are and will report back with their comments.  The topic was tabled until December.  After closed session, the Board accepted the resignations of Amanda Dees as a P.E. aide and Shaun Renth as JV baseball coach.  They then hired Renth as the varsity softball coach to replace Dempsey Witte, who resigned earlier this year.  They also hired Brianne Pelker as a volunteer assistant softball coach.