Kaskaskia College’s Spring event for the Visiting Writers Series will be held on Monday, April 20, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM in the Lifelong Learning Center on the main campus with guest writer, Brian S. Wheeler, who will read from his fiction. The Visiting Writers Series occurs once in the fall and once in the spring, and it includes a guest writer who will offer a reading of his or her work as well as a question-and-answer session and a book signing. The purpose of the Visiting Writers Series is to offer Kaskaskia College and the surrounding community an opportunity to see, meet, learn from, and interact with published and awarded authors and poets. Wheeler calls Hillsboro, Illinois home, but he grew up in Carlyle, where he spent a good amount of his childhood playing wiffle ball and tinkering on his computer. The rural Midwest inspires much of his work, and he hopes any connections readers might make between his fiction and the places and people he has had the pleasure to know are positive. Imagination has been one of Wheeler’s steadfast companions since childhood, and he dreams of creating worlds filled with inspiration and characters touched by magic. More information on his novels, and his short stories can be found by visiting www.flatlandfiction.com. A question and answer session and book signing will follow the reading. Light refreshments will be served.