SALEM — Two of four occupants were airlifted after a one-vehicle crash on Selmaville Road Friday morning.
According to the Illinois State Police, around 9:05 a.m. Friday, 47-year-old Jeremy Dickerson of Centralia was driving northbound on Selmaville Road when his vehicle ran off the right side of the road near Scout Road, struck a culvert and overturned. It came to rest on its top in a deep roadside ditch.
A 44-year-old passenger, Valerie Dickerson, was reportedly ejected from the vehicle while the driver had to be extricated.
Both Jeremy and Valerie Dickerson were transported by ambulance to Salem Township Hospital where they were airlifted to a St. Louis area hospital for treatment.
Two other passengers, a 17-year-old male and a 17-year-old female were transported to an area hospital for treatment.
Selmaville Road was closed from Nation Road to Bell Club Road for about five hours Friday morning as first responders worked and cleared the scene.
The driver was cited for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident and improper lane usage.