In the next few months, the Village of Sandoval will be purchasing new drive-by water meters.
According to the Village, it will be utilizing (American Rescue Plan Act) ARPA funding to purchase new drive-by water meters for all water customers.
They say many of the village’s water meters have reached the end of their useful life; new meters will provide an energy-efficient, accurate, and cost-effective way to read meters.
The new meters will also come with enhanced utility billing software that will allow residents to pay their bills online, view usage and account history, and sign up for recurring payments.
The Village also announced its trash provider, DBS, will begin using a new truck with an automated arm next week.
DBS will furnish residents with a 96-gallon tote – owned by DBS — to be used for trash collection. Totes will be distributed this week and rates will increase to $14 per month effective January 1, 2024.