
Decatur, Ill., December 11, 2023 – The Energy Assistance Foundation’s Warm Neighbors Cool Friends program has funds available to assist low- to moderate-income individuals and families this winter season with their Ameren Illinois energy bills.

Working in partnership with Ameren Illinois and a network of social service agencies across Illinois, the Energy Assistance Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, provides energy bill payment assistance to more than 2,500 homes every year through the Warm Neighbors Cool Friends program. While programs like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) exist to help low-income customers, Warm Neighbors Cool Friends (WNCF) supports moderate income households – many of whom have never needed or asked for assistance before.

Since The Warm Neighbors Cool Friends program inception in 1982, the foundation has provided energy bill payment assistance to more than 100,000 homes in Ameren Illinois’ service territory.

“Many people are not aware of our program, and we often help seniors who get Social Security and a small pension,” said Susan Sams, Executive Director of the Decatur-based, Energy Assistance Foundation. “It is not an entitlement or handout program. We match what the customer pays on their winter bill up to $500. We assist moderate-income customers who have incomes of 200- to 300-percent of poverty levels and cannot get help from anybody else. These are people who are working hard but came into a temporary financial crisis.”

Frequently asked questions:

Who is eligible for assistance through Warm Neighbors Cool Friends?

Typically, total household income must fall between 200 to 300 percent of the federal poverty level to qualify for bill payment assistance. A full list of eligible income ranges and family sizes is available at warmneighborscoolfriends.org.

What should I do if I am eligible?

Call your county’s corresponding social service organization and let them know you need Ameren Illinois bill payment assistance. A list of social service agencies by county is available at warmneighborscoolfriends.org.

Is assistance available in the summer and winter?

Yes. Our winter assistance program is open to all households who are income qualified. In the summer, we limit assistance to seniors, people with disabilities and those with medical conditions.

Can I donate to Warm Neighbors Cool Friends?

Yes. Donations are tax deductible, and 100 percent of your donation goes directly to assist those in need. You can donate through your Ameren Illinois utility bill or donate via PayPal or credit card at warmneighborscoolfriends.org/donate.

“We’re really proud of what we do,” Sams said. “Because Ameren provides for the operating support of the foundation, 100% of donations made to our program go directly to help your friends and neighbors.”


Family Size WNCF Income Range
  1 $2,431 – $4,513
2 $3,288 – $5,158
3 $4,144- $5,804
4 $5,001 – $6,446
5 $5,858 – $6,963
6 $6,714 – $7,479
7 $7,571 – $7,996
  8 $7,776 – $8,513