
JEFFERSON COUNTY — Three individuals were honored Monday night at the regular Jefferson County Board meeting for acts of bravery and heroism.

According to Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Bullard, during the late evening hours of June 10th of this year, truck driver Tyvon Farr, and Ina residents Christina and Terry Boles rushed to the scene of a two semi-tractor crash near the Ina exit on Interstate 57.

Unfortunately, it was too late for one of the drivers, but Farr and the Boles were able to get to the second driver and pull him to safety before his truck was fully involved in flames.

Sheriff’s Deputy Devin Elliott responded to the scene and reported to Sheriff Bullard he believed their actions saved the life of that truck driver. Deputy Elliott recommended the three be recognized for their bravery and Sheriff Bullard agreed.

Christina Boles advised the group at Monday night’s meeting that the truck driver was home and recovering from his injuries.