The Irvington Grade School Board of Education met Monday night and Superintendent Dave Schulte says enrollment remained at 56 students.  The Board approved of a resolution supporting the Greater Centralia Area Enterprise Zone, as that group is seeking an enterprise zone for the area, which overlaps into Washington County in the Irvington area.  They learned about the recent parent – teacher conferences, and they had a 100 percent contact rate, as they talked to a parent of every student either in person at the conferences or on a telephone conference call.  The Board discussed a school safety project with Lauren Innovations and Schulte explained what that is.  The company comes in and does 360 degree pictures of classrooms and the hallways and then they locate all the utility service entrances, all the shutoffs, all of the fire extinguishers, all the fire station poles and all of the cameras in the building.  Essentially, everything is connected to safety is located on a schematic that is Cloud-based, so the Sheriff’s department, the police department and the fire department all have access to pictures of the inside of the building.  On the outside, they use a Google map and place the building in its location on a school map.  This identifies places where the fire department will meet, where the police department will meet and where the students will meet for parent pick-ups.  It will also identify the fire hydrants and utilities.  It is also Cloud-based, so they can actually tap into the school’s cameras and have live video feed from those cameras.  No action was taken on this project at this time.  The Board also talked about the tax levy for 2015 at 4.99 percent over what they asked for last year, so no Truth in Taxation hearing is needed.  They will vote on it at the December meeting.  The Regional Office of Education, along with the State Fire Marshall, did a health, life, safety walk-through of the school and there are some minor fixes to make, such as closures on the doors.  They also had the Washington County Health Department come in and inspect the kitchen and serving areas and they received a 100 percent score.  A new Board member was appointed to take the 2-year unexpired term of Jane Neal, who resigned because of her work schedule.  Clay Waggoner will take her place.  The Board approved of using Bassinger Design Group out of Marion as their architectural firm, when needed, as Image Architects had gone out of business.  They agreed to use Title I money to purchase 25 computers for the computer lab and classroom stations, as well as updating the reading program for all grades.  The next meeting is at 5:30 PM on December 17th, which is before the Christmas program at 7 PM that night.  The last day of school is the following day and the students are due back on January 4, 2016.