The Ashley Grade School Board of Education met Monday night and they learned that their enrollment went up 8 students in the past month to 155 overall. Superintendent Brian Hodge says they went over the tentative tax levy for 2015 to be payable in 2016 and it is at 5.12 percent over what they asked for last year, so they will need a Truth in Taxation hearing, which will be on December 14th at 5:15 PM, before the regular Board meeting. The Board approved of having M.J. Mowing to provide the services again this year, and they approved of Christmas gifts for the staff. Board members Ross Schultze, Terry Shettler and Tammy Ebert were named to the Advisory Committee, which is a Title I committee that goes over the policies throughout the year. They also approved of the Southern Illinois Junior High School Athletic Association intent to play card, which allows them to participate in those events and sports, as well as the 7th & 8th graders being in Team Quest, sponsored by the Regional Office of Education. This year’s Christmas program will be on December 16th at 2 PM. There will also be a PTO sponsored dance on February 12, 2016 from 6 to 8 PM for 6th through 8th graders. The R.O.E. conducted a health, life, safety inspection and the report came back says Hodge. They had a few minor things to correct and fix, such as having door closers removed and having secondary curtains that are fire proof. The Board approved of spending no more than $1,000 for materials to construct a sidewalk by the pre-kindergarten with labor to be provided by John Shettler for no cost. It will connect the blacktop part of the parking lot that is on the east side of the school to a sidewalk that connects the main building with the pre-k building. That way it gives the parents and students somewhere to walk besides the grass. Hodge also wants to remind everyone about the Ashley High School reunion on this Saturday from 11 AM to 3 PM in the gym. The high school closed in the early 1970s.