Kaskaskia College was able to hold its annual Enduring Freedom veterans breakfast and ceremony thanks to the generous support of Schmidt Ford of Salem earlier this week. The event was originally postponed due to a budget crunch at the College created by the state budget impasse. The event was emceed by Roy Aarons, a veteran, who has served in this capacity for several years. Dr. Penny Quinn, president of Kaskaskia College, spoke of how emotional the flag presentation always made her, and gave heartfelt thanks to Schmidt Ford of Salem for their contribution that allowed the ceremony to take place. Mr. Bill Hawley, Chair of the KC Board of Trustees, spoke of the thanks that each of us owes to our veterans for the freedoms we enjoy and for the stability of our democratic government and way of life. The Kaskaskia College Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. Lynda Marshall, performed a medley of the anthems for each branch of the Armed Forces, during which veterans of each branch stood and were recognized. A panel made up of KC students who were veterans of four branches of the military was hosted by Carrie Hancock, Director of the KC Veterans Club. The panelists, Garrett Howell, Army veteran; Nathaniel Rittis, Navy veteran; Taylor Mosley, Marine Corps veteran; and Austin Tate, air force veteran; all spoke of why they joined the service and of some of the challenges they faced while in service and afterward. A special rendering of the American flag, hand-crafted from oak boards and given an aged appearance, was presented to the KC Veterans Club. This Heritage Flag was created and donated by Heath Trigg of Southern pine Woodworking in Pinehurst, North Carolina. The Heritage Flag will be on display in the Sue and Dee Boswell Art gallery on campus.