The Washington County Board met Tuesday night for a long meeting, as they were in closed session for approximately an hour.  They heard about another drainage repair project that needed approval.  This one is on Indiana Road, just south of Idaho Road in the Ashley Township.  A 36 inch culvert needs to be replaced and it will cost the county $1,635 for their half of the project.  This was approved of by the Board.  The Greater Centralia area is trying to get an Enterprise Zone, but they were not selected in the first round of awards earlier this year, therefore, they are submitting another application.  Part of Washington County is in this greater Centralia area, so the Washington County Board approved an ordinance supporting Centralia’s effort, as they had supported the previous effort.  The Board also approved of re-appointing Roger Weber of Oakdale and Ronald Brown of Nashville to the Washington County Planning Committee.  They also approved of appointing Martin Shibe of Irvington to replace J.E. Langston on the Irvington Sanitary Board.  They took no action on contracts for Ambulance Administrator or Zoning, Safety & EMA Administrator at this meeting, so they will address them at the next meeting.  The Board approved to authorize Chairman David Meyer and the Insurance Committee to get new health insurance for county employees, but no contract was presented Tuesday night, so they are continuing to work on getting that taken care of this month.  They approved of the contract to Jane Reuter to remain the Animal Control Warden.  The Board also approved of the annual budget for the University of Illinois Extension for $225,058, while they also approved the tax levy of $119,340 to fund most of it.  The extension receives other funding throughout the year to supplement it.  At the October meeting, the Board agreed to a service contract with Simplex Grinnell for the fire alarm system in the Judicial Building, as the previous one expired.  This month they approved of having the company put in a system in the ambulance building for $15,250, as well as a complete upgrade of the one in the Jail for $10,800.  They also approved of 5-year service contracts for the jail and courthouse, once that renovation is complete.  Keeping with the renovation of the courthouse, the Board approved to have 2 five foot long benches put outside with a plaque on them dedicating them to the Dueker Family.  The family had paid for the wall painting on the inside of the courthouse, but that could not be saved during the renovation.  They also paid for the water fountain in the southwest area, but it can’t be repaired, so it is being taken out.  There is still some money in the trust they gave the County for the courthouse, so those funds will be used for the benches.  They tabled on where to put plaques up once the renovation is all complete, as well as the names to go on it.  No action was taken on the issue of Image Architects going bankrupt during the renovation process.