The Nashville City Council met last night and it was the last meeting for Keith Reckmann and Sue Finke, as they did not run for re-election in the recent consolidation election.  Mayor Raymond Kolweier made a presentation at the end of the meeting.  He presented each of them with a plaque and thanked them for their service to the city of Nashville.  Finke served on the Council 8 years and Reckmann served for 6 years.  Terry Kozuszek was re-elected and the new councilmen, Dennis Kellerman and Eric Rolf, will be installed at the first meeting in May.  The Council has not finalized their review of a report they received recently that goes over policies and ordinances that have fixes or updates to them.  This is to get everything correct for a publication of the ordinances, which was approved of over a year ago.  The Council also approved to make the maximum of a fine $750, as it had been $500.  The State now allows municipalities to raise their maximum fines.  The Council also approved of the hiring of Josh Stevens as a full-time police officer to replace David Loucks, who resigned his position earlier this year.  Stevens is originally from Mississippi, but now lives in Nashville.  He will begin training at the Police Academy soon.  Street Superintendent Richard Schuette presented the Motor Fuel Tax bids for materials needed throughout the year for road repairs and work.  There were several bids approved for various materials, such as oil, chips, asphalt, seal coat and others all in the amount of nearly $140,000.  He also reminded everyone that All Trash Days are May 2nd, 6th and 9th.  Utilities Superintendent Blaine Middleton says they finished flushing the hydrants yesterday and by the end of next week, everybody’s water should be back to normal.  The Council also approved to sponsor a hole at the Memorial Day Golf Tournament for $30, as the proceeds benefit boys and girls sports programs.  They discussed and then approved of upgrades to reimbursements to employees for meals when they have to travel out of town.  It was $25 per day, but it is now $20 for the 1st meal with a daily maximum of $50.  A 15 percent gratuity is also included, but doesn’t count against the meal reimbursement.  Also, breakfast is not covered, unless the trip is an overnight trip.  Also, receipts need to be presented to get a reimbursement.  This does not apply if a trip includes the meal.  They also discussed, but did not take any action on a fitness program.  Some employees have expressed interest in an exercise program and the Council talked about how they might reimburse employees for going to a fitness business.  Several ideas were discussed but nothing could be agreed upon, so the topic was tabled for next meeting as more information is gathered.