Illinois Employers in February advertised online for more than 210,700 individual job openings, according to the independent Conference Board and the Illinois Department of Employment Security.  85 percent of the advertisements were for full-time work.  The advertising reflects help-wanted activity for newly created and replacement positions.  The actual number of openings exceeds 210,700 because some industries, such as construction, typically do not advertise online.  Statewide, the five top advertised positions in February were truck drivers at 9,063 jobs, registered nurses at 4,732 jobs, retail salespersons at 4,186, first-line supervisors of retail sales workers at 4,078 and marketing managers with 3,704 jobs.  The median hourly wage for an Illinois truck driver is $20.57; registered nurse is $31.34; retail salesperson is $9.85; first-line supervisors of retail salesperson is $17.03 and marketing managers is $48.78.  In Region 9, which includes Clinton and Washington Counties, there were 646 jobs in sales and related occupations, 526 jobs in the healthcare and technical fields, 483 jobs in computer and math fields, 462 in food preparation and serving related occupations, while there were 460 advertised for office and administrative support jobs.  Typically, the positions include some benefits, such as health insurance, paid sick days and vacation.  Included in the data are more than 130,000 positions advertised on