The March Primary Election is a week away.  Have you thought about who you will make the best candidate for your government?  Here’s another look at the Washington County ballot.  For County Clerk, only Republican Nancy Heseman is on any ballot.  For County Treasurer, it is Nancy Eigenrauch for Democrat and there is a race on the Republican side with Kelly Cameron against Andrea Renken.  On the Republican ballot for Sheriff, it is Danny Bradac against Michael Renth, while Harry Berger is unopposed for the Democrats.  There is no Democrat candidate for County Supervisor of Assessments, but there is a race for the Republicans between Sharon Kolweier and Sharon Mewes.  On the ballot for the Regional Superintendent of Schools for Clinton, Jefferson, Marion and Washington Counties, it is Keri Garrett on the Democrat side and Ron Daniels against Jacob Purcell on the Republican side.  For the Regional Superintendent of Schools in Saint Clair County, there is no Republican candidate with Susan Sarfaty on the Democrat ballot.  On the County Board section of the ballot, there are two elections for District 1, while one election for District 2 and 3.  In District 1, William Leutner is on the Democrat ballot and Gary Suedmeyer and Jeffrey Evans are on the Republican ballot.  It is a vote for not more than 2.  Then for the unexpired 2-year term, there is no Republican candidate and Kathy Muenter is on the Democrat ballot.  For District 2, on the Democrat ballot, it is Theresa Kurwicki and Willy Spenner with Alan Hohlt on the Republican ballot.  It is vote for not more than 3 here.  And, in District 3, it is David Meyer and Douglas Bening on the Republican ballot with Timothy Dunnigan on the Democrat ballot.  This is vote for not more than 2.