Kaskaskia College Agriculture and Horticultire Students recently attended the Illinois Postsecondary Agricultural Students Annual Conference in Springfield. Team awards earned were 1st in Soils Specialist, 1st in Landscape Specialist, 1st in Dairy Specialist. Other awards earned include Addy Brennan of Trenton with a 2nd place in Animal Systems Ruminant Career Planning, Amy Thole of Carlyle with a 1st place in Horticulture, Environmental & Natural Resource Career Planning and Melissa Thole of Carlyle with a 3rd place in Ag Business Management & Marketing Career Planning. Other students competing were Abby Huelsmann and Jeremy Kleiboeker of Breese, Emily Schwartzkopf of Nashville and Wayne Madson of Trenton. For more information on the Kaskaskia College Agriculture and Horticulture Program visit www.kaskaskia.edu.