This is the time of the year when some people need a little more help and the food pantries begin to feel the strain of this need, so they need help with food drives. The Washington County Food Pantry in Irvington serves Washington County and the surrounding area of Irvington. This Sunday there will be a food drive in Nashville and the various church youth groups will be out collecting from 6 to 8 PM. Pam Kellerman, Director of Christian Education at Saint Paul United Church of Christ says there is a theme of sorts to the event, that items used to make a Thanksgiving dinner would be nice, but they will accept any non-perishable products. In fact there is a bit of competition between the church youth groups with some prizes given out, including a traveling trophy. If you would like to donate, just leave your porch light on from 6 to 8 PM on Sunday, but if you can’t at that time, Kellerman says you can still donate by bringing your items to Saint Paul’s. For more information or to get your youth involved, call Pam Kellerman at 618-327-4326 or 618-201-0368.